Movement Matters: 3 behind the scenes reasons to move more!
You hear me say it all the time: Get up & Move! But why do we need to move? And why do we hurt when we don’t move our bodies?
Contrary to looking around at the average population, humans are built to run, lift, climb, walk, and lots of other physical activities! Somewhere along the way we stopped moving our joints and muscles into different ranges of movement, and just stayed where we were comfortable. When we lose the ability to move our joints through their full range of motion, thats where the body becomes unbalanced, begins compensating and ultimately, can bring aches and pains.
Movement helps us in so many ways. I’m going to list my top 3 reasons for moving your body:
1. Create resiliency in your joints and muscles
Strength and resistance training and moving in more ways than your normal help in maintaining the integrity of your joints and surrounding structures like the joints capsule, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Keeping the joints and muscles strong, resilient and able to adapt to the demands you put them through is essential to maintain the movements and be pain free! A body weight circuit, walk, hike, mobility class, yoga class, gym workout or anything else that gets your body moving will help your joints and muscles! Pick an activity, or variety of activities where you can challenge your joints and muscles and try to do these at least 3x/week!
2. Circulation and blood flow
Get your heart rate up daily to get that heart pumping! Endurance training can help too, but a nice 30 min walk where you are sweating but able to maintain a conversation is a good way to ensure you are working your cardiovascular and circulation system! Walking is a great option that is readily available for most people. But pick any activity that you enjoy where you can keep your heart rate up for 20-30 minutes. Try and do this daily 🙂
3. Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is your body waste system. It takes a all the cellular toxins and waste and brings it to the proper organs to expel from your body – an essential service to maintain good health! The thing is with the lymphatics, is that it’s a passive system. In other words: It needs you to move your body to pump the lymph, so that your body can get rid of it! Move your joints and get that heart pumping help with swelling and stagnant lymph to get moving!
BONUS: Moving your body has all sorts of amazing benefits, but at the end of the day, you feel really good! Mental health increase, your energy increases, your body becomes more resilient to the demands you put on it, you just overall move and feel goooood! #GetUpandMove!
Please joint my newsletter through this link here, to be the first to know about upcoming online movement classes and series. We will be starting these up in the fall 🙂
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