• What is Athletic Therapy?

    The prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. Athletic Therapists find the cause and treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

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  • Who is Kerri?

    With a bachelors of Health Sciences specializing in Athletic Therapy, Kerri is also a tree-planter, hockey player and dreamer... living life and helping others to stay active in beautiful Williams Lake BC!

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  • How can Kerri help YOU?

    Kerri can help whether you’re suffering from a sports injury, having pain at work or simply want to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. If you move, Athletic Therapy can help you.

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“Kerri’s Athletic Therapy has allowed me to continue to do what I love in the winter whether ski touring, sledding or hiking. My repetitive work as a tree planter would have been cut short if it weren’t for Kerri’s work on my ankle and hip. Anyone active would benefit from her treatments”.

Sam Usher. Tree planter, backcountry ski enthusiast, Environmental Technologist
tree planter working

“Kerri’s Athletic Therapy has allowed me to continue to do what I love in the winter whether ski touring, sledding or hiking. My repetitive work as a tree planter would have been cut short if it weren’t for Kerri’s work on my ankle and hip. Anyone active would benefit from her treatments”.

Sam Usher. Tree planter, backcountry ski enthusiast, Environmental Technologist
tree planter working
Bones of the human hand

What is Athletic Therapy?

What sets athletic therapists apart from other physical therapies is our thorough injury assessment and more aggressive and active approach to treatment. Our goal is to look at the body as a whole to find the root source of the injury. As our motto goes: find the cause and treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Athletic Therapists use a variety of special tests to stress the integrity of different structures in body, like muscles, bones and ligaments. Basic movement screening, sport or activity specific movements and even cognitive screening for head injuries are all apart of finding the cause of the injury or pain.

ATs are highly skilled in manual therapy, therapeutic modalities and exercise therapy. We look at the body as a whole to find and treat the cause of the injury or soreness. This approach results in a fast return to activity and a decreased chance of re-injury. A few of the popular manual therapy and modalities you might see used in the clinic are: myofascial cupping, active soft tissue release, joint mobilizations, cranial sacral therapy, and optimizing movement through biomechanics.

If you want to learn more how Athletic Therapy can help you lead a better lifestyle, why not join our FREE movement club!

Find the cause and treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Kerri Dunsmore athletic therapist

Who is Kerri?

My name is Kerri and I am a Certified Athletic Therapist and owner at Kerri Dunsmore Athletic Therapy. I graduated from Sheridan College with a Bachelors of Health Sciences specializing in Athletic Therapy in 2015.

Rewind to 2008 just after I received my Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion from St. Lawrence College, I began spending my summers tree planting in the Interior and Northern BC. Over the next 10 years or so during my stints deep in the BC landscape, I quickly fell in love with the lifestyle that Western Canada had to offer. After being accepted into the Athletic Therapy program, my dream became: to open a private Athletic Therapy practice in British Columbia. Fast forward to now: My dream is now a reality!

I am no stranger to sports and activities. I grew up playing competitive hockey in Ottawa and recreationally I played just about every other sport that I could! I still play hockey along with: curling, mountain biking and XC skiing! I do also hike daily with my dog Annie.

I enjoy trying new sports, jobs or movements to understand the demands and stresses that can be placed on the body. This drive for understanding and knowledge combined with my formal and continuing education, unites a unique set of skills for helping people with their injuries related to sport, work and daily living!

You can learn more about my Athletic Therapy courses and Athletic Therapy services here.

Athletic therapy often flies under the radar but it shouldn’t, the knowledge you gain alone is priceless!

Ashley Borlase. BC Wildfire
Athletic therapist giving treatment

How can Kerri help YOU?

Kerri can help identify the severity, location and the tissues involved in your injury/pain. A variety of hands-on manual therapy techniques and tools will be used to help create an ideal environment for healing, leaving you feeling relaxed, mobile and strong. Education is a key part of body rehab, and you will always be sent home with the proper knowledge and specific-to-you exercises for on-going healing you can do anywhere and integrate into your lifestyle.

Kerri’s goal is to bring balance back to body by restoring strength, flexibility, mobility, coordination and proprioception. This in turn will increase performance and overall well being. Receiving regular Athletic Therapy treatments can help manage pain and discomfort allowing you to safely and confidently return to your sport, activity or work. View our athletic courses and athletic services

If it involves your body or movement, Kerri can help you.